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  • Steve Jenkins on July 31, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: cabbage, cherry pie, chuck roast, corn, farmers market, green beans, green peppers, ground beef patties, peaches, , ribeyes, sparks family, stew beef, tomatoes   

    My purchases from the Salem, VA Farmers' Market Saturday, July 31, 2010

    My purchases from the Salem, VA Farmers' Market Saturday, July 31, 2010

    My youngest and I went by the Salem Farmers’ Market this afternoon and bought a bunch of stuff. We bought tomatoes from one vendor, cabbage, corn, and peaches from another, cucumbers, green peppers, and jalapeños from another one, and potatoes and green beans from a fourth vendor. We bought a Family 5 Pack of beef from Sparks Family Farms.

    The 5 pack included a 3.12lb chuck roast, 1.48lbs ground beef, 1.27lbs stew beef, 4 ground beef patties, and 2 ribeyes that weighed a total of 1.25lbs. We bought soap from Mountain Scape Soap Company, and last, but certainly not least, we bought a cherry pie from another vendor.

    After we finished at the farmers market, we ventured a couple of blocks east and bought hot dogs at the Ol Mule Hot Dog Company.

  • Steve Jenkins on July 20, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , purple basil, , , , tomatoes, ,   

    This week's Sausser Farms vegetables that were delivered by Homestead Creamery

    Option A box

    We only received 1 Sausser Farms vegetable box from Homestead Creamery this week. It included a tomato that was already rotten on the bottom, another tomato that’s mushy, 1 zucchini that’s mushy at the top, several very hard squash, and some withered purple basil.

    We signed up to buy one 5lb Option A box and one 5lb Option B box each week.

    Option A is supposed to be a combination of potatoes, tomatoes, onions, squash, and herbs.

    Option B is supposed to be a combination of cucumbers, egg plant, greens, string/pole beans, broccoli, and zucchini.

  • Steve Jenkins on July 13, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: cucumber, , , , , tomatoes, ,   

    Option A BoxOption B Box

    We received 2 vegetable boxes from Homestead Creamery, but they only charged us for one, because the quality and selection of vegetables they received from Sausser Farms weren’t all that great.

    We signed up to buy one 5lb Option A box and one 5lb Option B box each week.

    Option A is supposed to be a combination of potatoes, tomatoes, onions, squash, and herbs.

    Option B is supposed to be a combination of cucumbers, egg plant, greens, string/pole beans, broccoli, and zucchini.

  • Steve Jenkins on July 6, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , herbs, , , , tomatoes, ,   

    Option A BoxOption B Box

    We received 2 vegetable boxes from Homestead Creamery, but they only charged us for one, because the quality and selection of vegetables they received from Sausser Farms weren’t all that great.

    We signed up to buy one 5lb Option A box and one 5lb Option B box each week.

    Option A is supposed to be a combination of potatoes, tomatoes, onions, squash, and herbs.

    Option B is supposed to be a combination of cucumbers, egg plant, greens, string/pole beans, broccoli, and zucchini.

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